Brushing Tips for the Holidays!

Happy Holidays from Dr. Spurrier’s office!

We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season! As a reminder, we are still doing our weekly drawings for fun gift cards. Don’t forget to enter your name at your appointment! You can even enter your name twice for excellent brushing and elastic wear.

Here are some tips for being a better brusher:

  • Make sure you turn your toothbrush above the brackets to get your gum lines nice and clean.
  • Use the “Christmas tree” toothbrush to clean between brackets and around the wires.
  • Brush your teeth after every meal.
  • Don’t forget to floss! Feel free to use a floss threader to make it easier with the wires.
  • Be careful when eating hard and sticky foods. Especially those candy canes!

Follow those tips so you can enter your name TWICE in our drawing!! We sure love being your orthodontist office and we can’t wait to see who wins!